April 2, 2023

This month marks the start of the seventh year of my meager newsletter. I've kept at it this long because of you few readers who've shared your enjoyment of my monthly musings. (If you haven’t yet signed up, you can subscribe here.)

It began with the intention of sharing the "the trials and tribulations" of being a self-published author. But, I came to realize it was much more interesting to share insights, observations, and experiences about this dysfunctional, beautiful world around us. Which is what writing is all about, isn't it?

Whether I'm droning on about my latest project or being a father later in life or struggling with those damn barre chords, it all stems from the soul of a writer. It's part of my chasing down of those elusive words to somehow make everything come out right in the end, knowing all the while that nothing's perfect.

Doesn't mean I won't keep trying, though. 

Thanks for reading. Peace. 

Gordon Gravley        


May 2, 2023


March 4, 2023